Joe's journal

February 13, 2023

Nothing too crazy has been going on in the school, at least that I know of because people don't tell me anything drama related. I totally forgot that Valentines Day was a thing, not that it applies to me anyway. I have a group that I'm going with to Vise Versa. I doubt there's gonna be too many people there. I heard that it's way overhyped. Basketball season is ending and baseball is about to start so I'm pretty excited for that.

My weekend was pretty chill for the most part. The freshman team had a game against Unity, at Unity, which is nice for me because I live in Tolono. As is expected, we got cooked by a lot. That's fine though because I'm used to it by now. I had to wake up at 5:30 on Sunday to make pizzas for the youth group that I'm in.(it sucked by the way).I was able to play video games after Church and watched the Super Bowl. Unfortunatly, the Eagles lost.

My top 3 pizza topings

  1. Pepperoni
  2. Sausage
  3. Bacon

February 17, 2023

Again, like last week, nothing too crazy has been going on in the school. Basketball season is about to finish here in a week or two becaue regionals is tommorrow. The girls team has already started regionals. their regional game was yesterday against St. Teresa. I was there in the the student section. The game was very close, and we were getting pretty hyped. We ended up squeaking out a win 54-51. It was definitely worth going to. Other than that. Things have been pretty chill recently.

We have learned a bunch of stuff so far in Web Design. Everything that you can see and read on the page, had to be coded using HTML code. I'm not really sure how to explain how everything works but it is fairly simple once you get the hag of things. We learned how to insert links like this and put curly quotes in like “ this. ”We've learned a lot of other stuff too like headings that help us make web pages like this. Everybody knows that the emphesis tag, is the best tag. You can add so much emphesis to your sentences when you use it.