What is the biggest bird?

The question “what is the biggest bird?” has confounded the minds of history's greatest minds for ages.

Until today.

Today is the day we discover once and for all who the biggest birds are. On this website we will conclusively discover who the biggest birds of all time are. But there is a problem. There is more than one way to measure a bird's size. One can measure a bird's size in terms of sheer mass. But one could also say that a bird's size could be measured in what makes a bird a bird, which are its wings. It is known that birds which can fly are evolutionarily and morally superior to those which can't, but sheer size is still a factor which should be considered. So on this website we will tackle this quandry by going over two main candidates for the title of biggest bird: one which based on wingspan and another based purely on mass. So join us as we tackle this question once and for all, as we discover


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